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Nghị quyết về việc bổ nhiệm Chủ tịch Hội đồng quản trị: Nghi Quyet Bo Nhiem Chu Tich HDQT_ Update.pdf
SD5: Kết quả giao dịch cổ phiếu của cổ đông nội bộ
Căn cứ Báo cáo kết quả giao dịch của các cổ đông nội bộ của CTCP Sông Đà 5, Trung tâm GDCK Hà Nội thông báo...
Expanding investment cooperation and market development in Laos
In the morning of 5th September, in Vientiane Capital – Lao PDR, Song Da 5 JSC and Chaleun Sekong Energy Co., Ltd signed the Agreement on Investment Cooperation in Nam Kong 2, Nam Kong...
Vietnam and Laos signed twelve cooperation deeds
(Tam nhin) Right after the 40 th session of the Vietnam-Laos intergovernmental committee, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sdisoulith witnessed the signing of...
Song Da 9 and Song Da 5 signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement
( Song Da 9 JSC and Song Da 5 JCS are two member units of Song Da Corporation. Over the past few years, two companies have been cooperating and implementing some typical projects such...
Contract signing ceremony of Package LT.XD-01 - Long Tao Hydropower Plant Project (Dien Bien)
In Hanoi, the signing ceremony of the contract for the construction of Powerhouse andTailraceexcavation works under the Package LT.XD-01, Long Tao Hydropower Plant Project is held on March, 9th...