On 12th April 2019, Mr. Tran Anh Duc – Chairman of Song Da 5, Mr. Nguyen Dac Diep – Acting General Director and mission of Song Da 5 visited and worked at the site of Nam E-Moun Hydropower Plant Project, Laos PDR.

Nam Emoun hydropower project is built in Nam Emoun and Hoyay River of Sekong province, Laos PDR. This project has the installed capacity of 129 MW, the average annual energy output of 427, 4 GWH. The project consists of main structures such as Diversion dam, Main dam, Waterway with the tunnel length of 20 km, Powerhouse, Switchyard etc. The contract performance time shall be within 3 years (from 2019 to 2021).
It is evaluated that Nam E-moun HPP is a key project in Eco –social development, aim at promoting a clean renewable energy project, friendly with the environment and contributes to the poverty reduction for local residents. In addition, this project also marks a memorable milestone in the development process of Song Da 5 when holding the role of EPC general contractor for a large-scale project in foreign country for the first time.
After over 2 months of commencement, Song Da 5 has finished the preparation for main structures including geologic survey drilling, technical drawing design, cofferdam embankment, construction of offices, accommodations, storages, workshops, access ways, installation of batching plants and crushing plants.

At site, Chairman – Mr. Tran Anh Duc and Acting General Director- Mr. Nguyen Dac Diep supervised structures under performance to handle the progress and quality of the works. In the meeting with site management board, after Mr.Bui Chi Giang – Project Manager reported the project’s situation, difficulties and remains on site, the Chairman recognized the efforts of Song Da 5’s employees at Nam Emoun project, Laos PDR and encouraged to overcome troublesome conditions, maintain working intensity to ensure the safety and progress of the project. Besides, Acting General Director also emphasized on the importance and urgency of the project and requested the Site Management Board to more focus to complete the contract. Simultaneously, Acting General Director also specified site’s problems to be strictly resolved and also committed that the company would facilitate the most to handle the difficulties of the site.
Being aware of the project’s importance, all employees of Song Da 5 at site determines to ensure the progress of the project, satisfy the requirements of the Employer, marking the image of Song Da 5 in Laos.
Source: Song Da 5