On 20th April 2019, at the head quarter of Song Da Building, Pham Hung Street, Hanoi, Song Da 5 JSC (SD5) held the annual shareholders meeting 2019 successfully in the solemn and ceremonious atmosphere according to Enterprise law and Company’s charters.
In the meeting, it had the attendance of Mr. Pham Van Quan – Standing Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, Councilor of the Management Board of Song Da Corporation (64.16%) and all shareholders of Song Da 5, Representatives of Vietnam KPMG Auditing Company. For Song Da 5, it had the attendance of Mr. Tran Anh Duc – Chairman of Song Da 5, Mr Nguyen Dac Diep – Acting General Director of Song Da 5 and members of Supervision Board and leaders of Song Da 5.

At the annual shareholder meeting 2019 of Song Da 5, the contents have been approved as below: Report on Business Result of 2018 and Business plan of 2019, Operation Report of the Board of Management of 2018 and Orientation of the Board in 2019; Report of Supervision Board; Audited financial statements for 2018; Statement on the selection of the financial auditing company in 2019;
Statement on the profit distribution method of 2018 and the profit distribution plan of 2019; Statement of remuneration settlement for the Management Board, supervision Board in 2018 and the remuneration payment method for the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in 2019; The dismissal to the member of the Management Board and the content on adding members to the Management Board with an approval rate of 100% of the total shares with voting rights at the Meeting
Song Da 5’s business results in 2018 were approved in the Meeting with details as below: The total business value of Song Da 5 reaches VND 1,271.30 billion, fulfill 102% of the yearly plan; Total revenue of Song Da 5 in 2018 is VND 1,307.78 billion, reaching 97% of the yearly plan. This result reflected and recognized the constant efforts, precise orientation and direction of Song Da 5’s management Board in the context that Song Da 5‘s major businesses of hydropower construction are more and more narrowed and difficult. Specifically, the Management Board has directed the General Director Board to focus on expanding business lines and scopes, access to industrial construction. Thanks to the performance of many solutions for marketing and finding jobs, Song Da 5 signed 05 new contracts with the total value of VND 4,596.91 billion, which opens new fields of business such as construction of wharf, underwater rock blasting and the success at Laos market with the handover of Nam Ngiep 1 HPP of 290 MW capacity, ensuring the quality and progress requirements and sign the new contract of Nam E-moun hydropower project with the capacity of 129 MW as an EPC general contractor.
In the discussion of the Meeting, The Presidium also received questions related to internal management measures in 2019 to ensure shareholders' profits and dividends and solutions to reduce debts in 2019, on behalf of the Presidium, Mr. Tran Anh Duc - Chairman of the Board of Directors answered clearly and satisfactorily the questions of shareholders, while consolidating the belief of shareholders on the management strategy of Song Da 5’s Management Board in 2019
The meeting also succeeded in the additional voting of one member to Song Da 5 Management Board for the session 2015- 2020 in which Mr. Pham Van Tang – representatives of Song Da Corporation shall replace Mr. Tran Huu Hung.
Some photos of the Meeting:

Source: Song Da 5